Teamwork without talking: distributed system estimates maintain approximately centralized control of smart urban drainage systems during communications outages
Generating interpretable rainfall-runoff models automatically from data
Automated hydrologic forecasting using open-source sensors: Predicting stream depths across 200,000 km2
Tunable linear feedback control of urban drainage systems using models defined purely from data
Toward the autonomous flushing of building plumbing: Characterizing oxidation-reduction potential and temperature sensor dynamics
Real-Time Control and Bioretention: Implications for Hydrology
Machine Learning-Assisted, Process-Based Quality Control for Detecting Compromised Environmental Sensors
Identification of stormwater control strategies and their associated uncertainties using Bayesian Optimization
arXiv preprint
2023 -
Measuring city-scale green infrastructure drawdown dynamics using internet-connected sensors in Detroit
Generating interpretable rainfall-runoff models automatically from data
Ess Open Archive
2023 -
Improvement of phosphorus removal in bioretention cells using real-time control
An Automated Toolchain for Camera-Enabled Sensing of Drinking Water Chlorine Residual
Editorial: Themed issue on data-intensive water systems management and operation
StormReactor: An open-source Python package for the integrated modeling of urban water quality and water balance
Wireless Sensors for Measuring Drinking Water Quality in Building Plumbing: Deployments and Insights from Continuous and Intermittent Water Supply Systems
pystorms: A simulation sandbox for the development and evaluation of stormwater control algorithms
2021 -
Pipedream: An interactive digital twin model for natural and urban drainage systems
Observability-Based Sensor Placement Improves Contaminant Tracing in River Networks
Stationary and portable multipollutant monitors for high-spatiotemporal-resolution air quality studies including online calibration
Extracting useful signals from flawed sensor data: Developing hybrid data-driven approaches with physical factors
Water Research
2020 -
Deep reinforcement learning for the real time control of stormwater systems
Balancing water quality and flows in combined sewer systems using real-time control
Detroit River phosphorus loads: Anatomy of a binational watershed
Urban total phosphorus loads to the St. Clair-Detroit River System
Open-Storm Detroit Dynamics
WE&T Magazine
2019 -
High-resolution hydrologic forecasting for very large urban areas
Hydrograph peak-shaving using a graph-theoretic algorithm for placement of hydraulic control structures
Windshield wipers on connected vehicles produce high-accuracy rainfall maps
Real time control schemes for improving water quality from bioretention cells
Field and Laboratory Evaluations of the Low-Cost Plantower Particulate Matter Sensor
Are all data useful? Inferring causality to predict flows across sewer and drainage systems using directed information and boosted regression trees
Water Research
2018 -
Real-Time Control of Urban Headwater Catchments Through Linear Feedback: Performance, Analysis, and Site Selection
Autonomous Control of Urban Storm Water Networks Using Reinforcement Learning
Using Sensor Data to Dynamically Map Large-Scale Models to Site-Scale Forecasts: A Case Study Using the National Water Model
Shaping Streamflow Using a Real-Time Stormwater Control Network
2018 -
Vehicles as sensors: high-accuracy rainfall maps from windshield wiper measurements
2018 -
Open storm: a complete framework for sensing and control of urban watersheds
Awa: Using water distribution systems to transmit data
An automated toolchain for the data-driven and dynamical modeling of combined sewer systems
Water Research
2017 -
Distance-Penalized Active Learning Using Quantile Search
Big Ship Data: Using vessel measurements to improve estimates of temperature and wind speed on the Great Lakes
Emerging investigators series: building a theory for smart stormwater systems
Adaptive measurements of urban runoff quality
Real-time environmental sensor data: An application to water quality using web services
Smarter Stormwater Systems
Crystal-free network synchronization
EDITORIAL Cloud Hosted Real-time Data Services for the Geosciences (CHORDS)
Sensing and Cyberinfrastructure for Smarter Water Management: The Promise and Challenge of Ubiquity
Sensor placement strategies for snow water equivalent (SWE) estimation in the American River basin
TDMA-Based Dual-Mode Communication for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
2012 -
Design and performance of a wireless sensor network for catchment-scale snow and soil moisture measurements
OpenWSN: a standards-based low-power wireless development environment
Mobile Transit Trip Planning with Real-Time Data
Sampling Strategies in Forest Hydrology and Biogeochemistry